Friday, April 7, 2017

Game Journalism: day 5 - Guide

1. Predict and play

FIRST -Predict and BLOG how far along you can get in one class (without cheating).
I believe I can get some pieces of a foundation, such as a floor, or maybe some wallsThen begin a new solo mission and go for it.
At the end of class screenshot your progress...and analyse the results.
I actually got pretty close to my goal, but then I died before I could find enough fibers for cordage. As it stands, this is where I am at at the end of the day

2.Write a Guide.
Agree or disagree but use it as a basis to write a survival guide of your own.

I do not believe I have lived long enough to make an overdue guide, so instead, I will give a few pointers
Find as many containers as possible. You can get everything in nature that you can get in these containers, but these containers give more refined versions of stuff, and in plentiful quantities.
Chop down as many trees as possible. If night comes, you will freeze to death, unless you get enough wood to have 2 sticks and 13 logs.
This will allow you to build a campfire, as well as provide you with enough fuel to last you through the night.

The last thing is as soon as you get the chance, build a foundation. That gives you a spot to build a base later in the future, as well as allow you to put down stuff like storage crates. I, sadly, never got this far, which is why I have no photos of this event.

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