Thursday, April 20, 2017

Game Journalism: Day 3 (weeks later)

Campfire (2 sticks + 3 logs)
Shotgun (7 scrap metal + 5 wooden planks + 4 cloth)
 Health Kit (4 medical herbs + 1 biofuel)
 Storage Crate (5 wooden planks + 10 nails + 3 cordage)

Friday, April 7, 2017

Game Journalism: day 5 - Guide

1. Predict and play

FIRST -Predict and BLOG how far along you can get in one class (without cheating).
I believe I can get some pieces of a foundation, such as a floor, or maybe some wallsThen begin a new solo mission and go for it.
At the end of class screenshot your progress...and analyse the results.
I actually got pretty close to my goal, but then I died before I could find enough fibers for cordage. As it stands, this is where I am at at the end of the day

2.Write a Guide.
Agree or disagree but use it as a basis to write a survival guide of your own.

I do not believe I have lived long enough to make an overdue guide, so instead, I will give a few pointers
Find as many containers as possible. You can get everything in nature that you can get in these containers, but these containers give more refined versions of stuff, and in plentiful quantities.
Chop down as many trees as possible. If night comes, you will freeze to death, unless you get enough wood to have 2 sticks and 13 logs.
This will allow you to build a campfire, as well as provide you with enough fuel to last you through the night.

The last thing is as soon as you get the chance, build a foundation. That gives you a spot to build a base later in the future, as well as allow you to put down stuff like storage crates. I, sadly, never got this far, which is why I have no photos of this event.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Game Journalism: day 2

Who created the game?

In game interaction:

What can your interact with and what is the benefit?

  • Tree [SCREENSHOT]- wood - how much?  Do each different type.

Trees gives 3-9 pieces of wood
  • Chicken - chicken breast + feather
  • Rabbit
  • Wolf - cloth + steak + fat
  • Bear -  how many different typeS? (I could only find one type, but that might be because they kept killing me before I could look)
  • Fiber plant - how many different types? (I could only find one Fiber plant) - Fiber
  • Resource Bag/Box - How many different types?
Locked chest - requires lockpick
 Medicine Container - food, bandages, occasionally ammo
 Crates - building supplies
Ammo Container - Bullets, Bullet Casings, Gunpowder
  • Rock - Gives ore, depending on colour

What NEW advice do you have for your readers? (TIPS & TRICKS)
 - Use all of your ammo casings and gunpowder for 9mm bullets until you get a shotgun

Monday, April 3, 2017

Game Journalism: day 1

Q. What are a person's basic needs for life?
A. Food, water, and shelterQ. What is the definition of the title of the game?
A. The action or fact of maintaining or supporting oneself at a minimum level

Q. A brief description of the game.
A. This game is a game purely about survival, in which you have to find food, water, and shelter in order to survive.

Q. What type of game is it and what does it compare to?
A. This is a survival game, similar to Minecraft or Rust, but much more difficult than either of the two

Q. What does it mean to be 'early access'?
A. "Early Access" refers to a state in the game before it's actually finished, such as the Alpha stage or Beta stage

Q. What are a few of the features of the game?
A. The controls are fairly simple
 In the game, you find food, which you eat to keep your food meter high. To help with this, you start with an apple
 In the wild, you can run into wolves and bears
 You can find wood on trees, but apparently trees don't disappear when they run out of wood.
 On the ground, you can find materials such as wood and scrap metal
 The borders of the game are a fence. I tried to climb it, but I got stuck and almost had to restart. Thankfully, I fidgeted with the controls enough to escape.
 In the wild, there are crates and packages that contain materials for you to use on your journey. Sometimes they have food, sometimes bullets, one time I got nails and circuits.
Oh yeah, I also found this crate on the side of a rock. That made me mad.

Q. According to the game... what are the tips for DAY 1?

Q. What advice do you have for your readers? (TIPS & TRICKS)
A. Look for as many crates and packages as possible, and stay away from wolves and bears